Ulrike Altendorf (2003a). Estuary English: Levelling at the Interface of RP and South-Eastern British English. Tübingen: Narr.
Herausgeberschaft/Edited Volume
Hadrian Lankiewicz, Gabriele Blell and Ulrike Altendorf (eds.) (2020). Cultural Issues in the Matrix of Applied Linguistics. Gdansk: Gdansk University Press.
Ulrike Altendorf and Liesel Hermes (eds.) (2010). Australien Verstehen – Facetten eines Kontinents. Tübingen: Stauffenburg.
Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften/Contributions to (Peer-Reviewed) Journals
Ulrike Altendorf (2003b). "What would Eliza Doolittle be taught today? or How to define a target variety for British English pronunciation today." Englisch 2003: 4, 145-152.
Ulrike Altendorf (1999b). "Eʃtuary English: Is English going Cockney." Moderna Språk XCII, 1, 1-11. Also available at <> (Access: 13th March 2021).
Beiträge zu Sammelbänden/Contributions to Edited Volumes
Ulrike Altendorf (submitted). "The Role of Ideology and Perception in the Enregisterment of Estuary English." In: David Britain, Kellie Gonçalves, Laura Tresch and Christoph Neuenschwander (eds.). Through the Lens of Ideology: Debates on Language Contact. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Ulrike Altendorf, Rachel MacDonald and Niklas Thielking (2021). "S Retraction in the South-East of England: A Snapshot of the Emergence of a Sound Change in Progress." In: Daniela Kolbe-Hannah & Ilse Wischer (eds.). ANGLISTIK: Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter. <> (Access: 9th February 2022).
Aida Jalanesh and Ulrike Altendorf (2020). "Politeness Strategies across Cultures: How L1 speakers of English, German and Persian encode politeness in English." In: Hadrian Lankiewicz, Gabriele Blell and Ulrike Altendorf (eds). Cultural Issures in the Matrix of Applied Linguistics. Gdansk: Gdansk University Press. Gdansk: Gdansk University Press, 99-134.
Ulrike Altendorf (2017). "Estuary English." In: Alexander Bergs and Laurel Brinton (eds.). The History of English. Volume 5: Varieties of English. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 169-186.
Ulrike Altendorf (2016). "Caught between Aristotle and Miss Marple… – A proposal for a perceptual prototype approach to 'Estuary English'." Complutense Journal of English Studies 24, 129-152. Also available at: <> (Access: 13th March 2021).
Ulrike Altendorf (2013). "Where does the notion of 'variety' start and end? - A proposal for a prototype approach to language variation." In: Monika Reif, Justyna A. Robinson and Martin Pütz (eds.). Variation in Language and Language Use: Linguistic, Socio-Cultural and Cognitive Perspectives. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 299-326.
Ulrike Altendorf (2012). "122. Estuary English." In: Alexander Bergs and Laurel Brinton (eds.). English Historical Linguistics – An International Handbook. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK), Volume 34.2), 1913-1927.
Ulrike Altendorf (2010b). "Australian English: the third reference variety between emancipation and global pressure". In: Ulrike Altendorf and Liesel Hermes (eds.). Australien Verstehen – Facetten eines Kontinents. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 153-167.
Ulrike Altendorf (2010a). "Bridging the gap between langue- and parole-based theories of language variation: A proposal for a tripartite continuum approach to language variation." In: Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Language Variation and its Structural, Conceptual and Cultural Dimensions. Essen: Linguistic LAUD Agency, 340-358.
Ulrike Altendorf (2006). "129. Urban Sociolinguistics/ Stadtdialektforschung". In: Ulrich Ammon, Norbert Dittmar, Klaus J. Mattheier und Peter Trudgill (Hrsg.). Band 2: Soziolinguistik: Ein internationales Handbuch zur Wissenschaft von Sprache und Gesellschaft. Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (HSK), 2. Auflage. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1312-1318.
Ulrike Altendorf and Dominic Watt (2005). "The Dialects in the South of England." In: Bernd Kortmann, Edgar W. Schneider, Kate Burridge et al. (eds.). Handbook of Varieties of English. Volume 1: The British Isles. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 194-222.
Ulrike Altendorf (2004b). "Is English becoming more natural and more democratic? The role of language-internal and language-external factors in accounting for current trends in RP, south-eastern British English and beyond." In: Britt-Louise Gunnarsson et al. (eds). Papers from the Second International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE2) Uppsala University, Sweden, June 12-14 , 2003. Uppsala, 85-98.
Ulrike Altendorf (2004a). "Language change and changing ideologies in and around RP." In: Martin Pütz, JoAnee Neff van-Aertselaer and Teun Adrianus van Dijk (eds.). Communicating Ideologies: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Language, Discourse, and Social Practice. Frankfurt am Main, NewYork, Paris, Bern: Peter Lang, 203-224.
Ulrike Altendorf (2003c). "What would Eliza Doolittle be taught today? or How to define a target variety for British English pronunciation today." In: Peter Müller, Walter Kosack and Jürgen. Kurtz (eds.). Karlsruher Pädagogische Beiträge 56, 122-137.
Ulrike Altendorf (2002). "Language Change and Changing Ideologies in and around RP." Essen: LAUD 2002. Series A: General & Theoretical Papers, Paper No. 552.
Ulrike Altendorf (1999a). "Approaching the notion of Estuary English: /t/-glottalling and /l/-vocalisation by the Thames Estuary." In: Carita Paradis (ed.). Recent trends in the pronunciation of English: Social, regional and attitudinal aspects of pronunciation. Stockholm: Almquist & Wiskell International, 15-31.
Rezensionen / Reviews
Ulrike Altendorf und Dieter Stein [Rez.] (1998). "Besprechung der Teile zur Sprachwissenschaft." Rezension von Rudolf Ahrens, Wolf-Dietrich Bald und Werner. Hüllen (Hrsg.). Handbuch Englisch als Fremdsprache (HEF) (Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1995). Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung 9, 1.
Andere Beiträge/Varia
Ulrike Altendorf (2009). "Global English(es)." Interview in At Work: Ein Magazin für Englischlehrer 16, Herbst/Winter 2009.
Ulrike Altendorf (2008). "Giving the wrong signal: the role of 'signal words' in teaching tense and aspect in the EFL classroom." Foreign Language Education in the 21st Century. June 2, 2008, < (Access: 13th March 2021).