"Marvel's The Punisher, the Privilege of Violence, and Unfree Symbolic Commons between Intellectual Property and Mass Appropriation." Tagungsvortrag auf der Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien (GAAS/ DGfA), Universität Rostock, 2 Juni, 2023.
"The Hyper-Referential Style of Storytelling. Seriality and the Narrative Politics of Disney's Marvel Cinematic Universe, 2008-2022." Gastvortrag Florian Freitags Seminar "Wonderful World of Disney," Universität Duisburg-Essen, 9 Dezember, 2022.
"BRZRKR Vol. 1, Immaterielle Arbeit, und Populärkultur im Zeitalter des Kognitiven Kapitalismus." Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 28. September - 1. Oktober 2022.
"Cinematic Populism. On the Politics and Mobilizing Power of Contemporary Superhero Blockbuster Cinema." Gastvortrag im Seminar von Maria Sulimma, "Seriality and Popular Culture," Universität Duisburg-Essen, 4. Mai 2022.
"The Capitol Riot as Media Event." Impulsvortrag zum Online Event "Wait, was that a coup? An online discussion of the Capitol Riot," American Studies, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 15. Januar 2021.
"Toward a Theory of Comics as/and Periodical Media." Paper presented at the Online Symposium of the Research Society for American Periodicals, 21 May 2020.
"Zum politischen Imaginären des Superhelden-Blockbusterkinos." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Work Group for Popular Culture and Media, Society for Media Studies (GfM), Bonn University, 7 February 2020.
“Zur Medialität des Comic Supplements, 1890-1930.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society for Media Studies (Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft), University of Cologne, 25 September 2019.
“Superhero Blockbusters, Fannish Expertise, and the Popular Culture of Cognitive Capitalism.” Paper presented at the 66th Annual Conference of the German Society for American Studies (GAAS), University of Hamburg, 15 June 2019.
“Social Time, Periodical Time, Reading Time, Narrative Time: The Times of Newspaper Comics and Winsor McCay’s Little Nemo in Slumberland, 1905/06.” Paper presented at the Symposium “Managing Time, Mediating Modernity: Temporality, Mass Culture, and the Avantgarde, 1880-1920,” Leibniz University Hannover, 23 February 2019.
“Musclemen, Toys, and Career Opportunities: Advertisements and the Reading Experience in 1970s Marvel Superhero Comics.” 1st Annual Conference of the Comics Studies Society (CSS), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 10 August 2018.“Marvel Superhero Movies, Audience Engagement, and the Politics of 21st Century Blockbuster Seriality.” Gastvortrag in der Ringvorlesung “Medien|Denken,” Institut für Medienwissenschaften, Ruhr Universität Bochum, 23. Mai 2017.
“The Superhero Comic Book as Multi-Purpose Medium: 1970s Marvel Comics Magazines & Consumer Engagement.” Vortrag, 9th Biennial Conference of the Swedish Association for American Studies (SAAS), Universität Göteborg, 1. Oktober 2016.
Mit Ilka Brasch, “Opening Gambits: Staging Comics and Television in Serial Film, 1936-2008.” Vortrag, SERCIA Conference on “Cinema & Seriality,” Didérot Universität Paris, 9. September 2016.
“Transmedia Storytelling & The Work of Audience-Produced Paratexts in Disney's “Marvel Cinematic Universe.” Vortag im Rahmen der Winter School “Transmedial Narratology: Theories and Methods,” Universität Tübingen, 26 February 2016.
“Transmedial Film Franchises, Seriality, & the Spirit of 21st Century Popular Culture.” Gastvortrag in Shane Denson's Seminar zum Thema “Post-Cinema,” Duke University, Durham, 22. Oktober 2015.
“The Contemporary Superhero Film Franchise as Story-World and Serial Narrative: The 'Marvel Cinematic Universe' & the Logics of Neoliberal Popular Culture.” Gastvortrag in Bettina Soller's Seminar zum Thema “Narratives of World-Building,” Leibniz Universität Hannover, 24. Juli 2015.
“Serial Superheroes and the Politics of Audience Engagement: DC's & Marvel’s Franchises in Contemporary American Film and Television.” Projektpräsentation in der Reihe “Interdisciplinary Forum,” Graduiertenschule für Nordamerikastudien, Freie Universität Berlin. 19. November 2014.
“V for Vendetta, the Guy Fawkes-Mask, and the Serialization of Subversion.” Vortrag auf der Konferenz “Quiet Revolutions: Politically Subversive Cinema.” San Francisco State University, 18. Oktober 2014.
“NBC's Hannibal and the Politics of Serial Engagement.” Vortrag auf der Tagung “Transgressive Television: Politics, Crime, and Citizenship in 21st-Century American TV Series.” Universität Wien, 1.-3. Oktober 2014.
"The Politics of Long-Form Storytelling in Contemporary American Serial Television." The Poetics of Politics: Textuality and Social Relevance in Contemporary American Literature and Culture. Internationale Konferenz, Universität Leipzig, 22-23. Juni 2013.
"Narratively Complex Television Series and the Logics of Conspiracy: On the Politics of Long-Form Serial Storytelling and the Interpretive Labors of Active Audiences." It's Not Television. Graduiertenkonferenz. Institut für England- und Amerikastudien, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main. 23. Februar 2013.
“Movies, Machines, Modernity: On Vertov’s Man with a Movie Camera.” Vortrag gehalten im Rahmen der Filmreihe “M: Movies, Machines, Modernity” der Initiative für interdisziplinäre Medienforschung, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 29. November 2012.
"Between Life and Technics. A Response to Mark Hansen's 'Media Theory.'" Vortrag gehalten im Rahmen eines Workshop mit dem Medientheoretiker Mark B. N. Hansen, American Studies, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 6. Juli 2012.
“Scott Pilgrim Vs. The Movies: Intermedial Collage and Narrative Logic in Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.” Vortrag gehalten im Rahmen der Filmreihe “Chaos Cinema?” der Initiative für interdisziplinäre Medienforschung, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 5. Juli 2012.
"The Aesthetics of Conspiracy in Contemporary American Serial Television." Vorschlag für ein Masterarbeitsprojekt, vorgestellt im Rahmen eines Workshops mit dem US-Medienwissenschaftler Jason Mittell. Lichtenberg Kolleg, Universität Göttingen. 9 Februar 2012.
"Androids with Suicide Belts: Political Allegory in Battlestar Galactica." Between Global Village and Global Dump: Placing America in a Transnational World. Graduiertenkonferenz, American Studies, Universität Leipzig, 22.-23. März 2010.